- Date of birth:
- 18 May 2019
- 3159279
- HD
- Vrij (HD A according FCI standard)
- ED
- Free
- DNA Profile
- NL VHL-id: H327707, LABOKLIN JLPP Free, LÜW-Free,
Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR - Result: Genotype N/N (exon 2)
X-linked Myopathy (XL-MTM) - PCR Result: Genotype female X(N)/X(N), male X(N)/Y - Diploma's
- Certiticate de Sociabilité et D' Apditude a L' Utilisation
Sire: Greif vom Königsforst
ADRK 125857, HD free, ED+ (Grad I), Bundes JGD SGR. 2015, DT. JGD-CH.(ADRK), DT.JGD CH.(VDH),
DT.CH.(VDH), DT.CH. (ADRK), IPO III, BH, AD, ZTP ADRK, Gekört bis 17-09-2019
DNA-getestet ADRK, JLPP-N/N (free), DNA Profile NL VHL_JD: H234766.
Dam: Ter Waele Helder
NHSB 2839517, V1, Res.CAC, Res.CACIB, Multi V rated,
HD free (HDA, according FCI standard), ED free, DNA profiel NL VHL-id: H62351, LABOKLIN JLPP free
AD/UV, BH/VT (ADRK), IPO I (96-92-100 a), ZtP ADRK
Beste werkhond "Winnershow" Amsterdam 2016,
Beste Werkhond "Brabantcup" Den Bosch 2018
Beste Werkhond "Winnershow & Kerstshow", Gorinchem 2019
Click here for a detailed pedigree of Ter Waele Vito
Owner of Ter Waele Vito is Mr. H. Favel: ( e-mail )