- Date of birth
- April 14 th. 2022
- 3272606
Chip number: 528140000857191 - HD
- Free
- ED
- Free
- Free
- Knees
- Free
- DNA Profile VHL-id
- H552147
- LaboKlin
- nr. 2303-N-03061
Juvenile Laryngeal Paralysis & Polyneuropathy (JLPP) - PCR
Result: Genotype N / NDegenerative Myelopathy - PCR
Result: Genotype N / N (exon 2)Leukoencephalomyelopathy (LEMP) - PCR
Result: Genotype N / LEMPCoat length I (long or short hair) - PCR
H1Hd1 SNP G284T: L / LX-linked Myopathy (XL-MTM) - PCR
Result: Genotype female X (N) / X (N), Male X (N) / YNeuroaxonal Dystrophy (NAD) - PCR
Result: Genotype N / N
- Diploma's
- BH/VT, ZtP ADRK, IGP 1 ( 90, 86, 95).
Sire: Ter Waele Watson
NHSB 3177489
HD free, ED free, LÜW-Free, Knees Free
Januari 2022 Re X-rayed voor de ADRK op leeftijd van 26 maanden
Uitslag : HD free and ED free
Multiple V rated & placed at shows.
DNA Profiel: NL VHL-ID H360027, JLPP Free by Birth & by Testing LABOKLIN 2001-N-00394,
Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR Result: Genotype N/N (exon 2),
X-linked Myopathy (XL-MTM) - PCR Result: Genotype female X(N)/X(N), male X(N)/Y
May 2021, Echocardiogram by veterinary cardiology specialist: Result Clear
IGP I (93-82-96)
IGP II (91-81-87)
IGP III (90-85-88)
Dam: Ter Waele Pitch
NHSB 3014080, HD free, ED free, V1 Rated
DNA Profiel NL VHL-id: H115931, LABOKLIN JLPP free, LÜW free,
LEMP free, NAD-free
Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR - Result: Genotype N/N (exon 2)
X-linked Myopathy (XL-MTM) - PCR Result: Genotype female X(N)/X(N), male X(N)/Y
May 2021, Echocardiogram by veterinary cardiology specialist: Result Clear
AD/UV, BH/VZH, ZtP ADRK, IPO I, (93,85,89 Ausgepraegt).
Click here for a more detailed pedigree of Ter Waele Carlijn