- Day of birth:
- 29 december 2007 - August 2014
- 2685427
- HD
- Free (HDA, according FCI standard)
- ED
- Free
- AKC DNA Profile
- #V613727 (USA)
- Diplomas
- MAG Test (ZTP Holland), VZH / BH, IPO I
Sire: Gauner von Kaisersteinbruch
OHZB 79/A, HD Vrij, ED Free,
ZTP, Militär Diensthund, V1 rated, CAC, CACIB
Dam: Dutch Champion Ter Waele Utwo
NHSB 2400577, HD Vrij, ED Free,
(HDA, according FCI standard), VZH / BH, UV / AD, IPO I,
MAG test Dutch Rottweiler Club + Independency,
AKC DNA Profiel #V310759 (USA)
Click here for a complete pedigree of Ter Waele Chelsea (PDF)