Ter Waele Evie

Ter Waele Evie

Date of birth
15 February 2024 
Chipnummer: 528140000905752
DNA Profile VHL-id: H622470

Laboklin test results
Nr. 2411-N-13756
Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR
Result: Genotype N/N (exon 2)
Interpretation: The examined animal is homozygous for the wildtype-allele. It does not carry the high-risk factor
for DM in exon 2 of the SOD1-gene.

Juvenile Laryngeal Paralysis & Polyneuropathy (JLPP) - PCR
Result: Genotype N/N
Interpretation: The examined animal is homozygous for the wildtype-allele. It does not carry the causative
mutation for JLPP in the RAB3GAP1-gene.

Coat length I (long or short hair) - PCR
HlHd1 SNP G284T: L/L

Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (NAD) - PCR
Result: Genotype N/N
Interpretation: The examined animal is homozygous for the wildtype allele. It does not carry the causative
mutation for NAD in the VPS11 gene.

Leukoencephalomyelopathy (LEMP) - PCR􀀀
Result: Genotype N/N
Interpretation: The examined animal is homozygous for the wildtype allele. It does not carry the causative
mutation for LEMP in the NAPEPLD gene.

X-linked Myopathy (XL-MTM) - PCR
Result: Genotype female X(N)/X(N), male X(N)/Y
Interpretation: The examined animal is homozygous for the wildtype-allele. It does not carry the causative
mutation for XL-MTM in the MTM1-gene.


Sire: Xempl von Kaisersteinbruch, OHZB/DH-R 294

HD Free, ED Free, CES Frei, LUW Frei, 
LABOKLIN JLPP vrij, NAD vrij, LEMP vrij 
Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR - Result: Genotype N/N (exon 2)
X-linked Myopathy (XL-MTM) - PCR Result: Genotype female X(N)/X(N), male X(N)/Y
DNA Profile VHL_ID: H437434

BH/VT, Militär Diensthund Bundesheer Osterreich, IGP 3, ZtP ORK. 

6. Platz - IFR IGP WM 2023
AT-R10 zur FCI IGP WM 2023
10. Platz - IFR IGP WM 2022
ÖRK Bundesmeister 2022
9. Platz - IFR IGP WM 2021
Beste Fährte der IFR IGP WM 2021
ÖGV IGP Vize-Leistungssieger 2020
ÖKV IGP Trize-Leistungssieger 2020

Dam: Ter Waele Terra  

NHSB 3014080, HD vrij, ED vrij, V1 Rated
DNA Profiel NL VHL-id: H115931, LABOKLIN JLPP vrij, LÜW vrij,
LEMP vrij, NAD-vrij
Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR - Result: Genotype N/N (exon 2)
X-linked Myopathy (XL-MTM) - PCR Result: Genotype female X(N)/X(N), male X(N)/Y
May 2021, Echocardiogram by veterinary cardiology specialist: Result Clear

IGP I ( 91, 84, 97 Ausgeprägt),
IGP 2 ( 91, 82, 92), 
IGP 3 ( 88, 86, 91 Ausgeprägt ),
Gekört bis 22-10-2023 Ankörung ADRK Bestanden 

Click here for a more detailed pedigree of Ter Waele Evie

Dogbase numbers of Evie are :
HD:89, ED:88, VUK 99, WH: 103

Showresults Ter Waele Ducaat II

Date Location Class Judge Result
08-09-2024 RW ENRW Rotterdam Special show for young dogs organised by the Dutch Rottweiler Club Mr. F. Beiboer  Very nice critique 

Photos Ter Waele Evie