- Date of birth
- 27 March 2023
- 3310728
- 6609
- Chip number
- 040098100648482
- HD
- Free
- ED
- Free
- Free
- DNA Profile VHL-id
- H-604511
- Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR
Result: Genotype N/N (exon 2)
Interpretation: The examined animal is homozygous for the wildtype-allele. It does not carry the high-risk factor
for DM in exon 2 of the SOD1-gene. -
Juvenile Laryngeal Paralysis & Polyneuropathy (JLPP) - PCR
Result: Genotype N/N
Interpretation: The examined animal is homozygous for the wildtype-allele. It does not carry the causative mutation for JLPP in the RAB3GAP1-gene.Coat length I (long or short hair) - PCR
HlHd1 SNP G284T: L/LNeuroaxonal Dystrophy (NAD) - PCR
Result: Genotype N/N
Interpretation: The examined animal is homozygous for the wildtype allele. It does not carry the causative
mutation for NAD in the VPS11 gene.
Leukoencephalomyelopathy (LEMP) - PCR
Result: Genotype N/N
Interpretation: The examined animal is homozygous for the wildtype allele. It does not carry the causative
mutation for LEMP in the NAPEPLD gene.X-linked Myopathy (XL-MTM) - PCR
Result: Genotype female X(N)/X(N), male X(N)/Y
Interpretation: The examined animal is homozygous for the wildtype-allele. It does not carry the causative
mutation for XL-MTM in the MTM1-gene. -
- Diplomas
- MAG Test (November 24th. 2024).
Sire: Yucon von Kaisersteinbruch
OHZB / DH - R307
Chipnummer 04010000041131
HD Free, ED Free, LUW Frei, OCD Schulter beidseitig Free,
Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR - Result: Genotype N/N (exon 2)
X-linked Myopathy (XL-MTM) - PCR Result: Genotype female X(N)/X(N), male X(N)/Y
Coat length I (long or short hair) - PCR
HlHd1 SNP G284T: L/L = FREE
ZTP am 18 December 2018, Militär Diensthund,
Show results: Excellent 1, CAC Working Class
Dam: Ter Waele Rebel
NHSB 3074059, ÖRK DH-R336, HD free, ED free, V1 Rated
Chipnummer: 528140000672298, DNA Profile NL VHL-id: H186257,
LABOKLIN JLPP free, LÜW free, LEMP free, NAD-free
Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR - Result: Genotype N/N (exon 2)
X-linked Myopathy (XL-MTM) - PCR Result: Genotype female X(N)/X(N), male X(N)/Y
Mil. Diensthund Bundesheer Österreich
Drogenspürhund Prufung Bundesheer Österreich
Show results : Excellent I in the Working Dog Class, Res. CAC.
Click here for a more detailed pedigree of Mira von Kaisersteinbruch